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Ashley Sundquist
Sep 25, 20176 min read
Japan: 14 Cultural Differences to Know Before Traveling
One of the reasons I love traveling is that it challenges us to consider the notion of what is "normal" in our lives. For example, what...

Ashley Sundquist
Sep 18, 20176 min read
24 Emoji That Make Sense After You Travel to Japan
What do the Japanese emoji mean? As a first-timer on a recent adventure with my husband Josh, I was excited to learn as much as I could...

Ashley Sundquist
Sep 13, 20173 min read
7 Tips to Stay Comfortable on a Plane
Traveling. It's a blissful concept, but the reality of economy air travel can be uncomfortable. I often feel dehydrated, exhausted and...

Ashley Sundquist
Sep 4, 20173 min read
7 Things that are Cuter in Japan
I'm going to retire the word, "cute" when I get home from Japan. I mean, I have to. Everything here is just so much cuter. There is...

Ashley Sundquist
Aug 29, 20173 min read
Celebrating in South Carolina
What a trip! I recently had the opportunity to see one of my friends get married at the breathtaking community of Palmetto Bluff in...

Ashley Sundquist
Aug 6, 20174 min read
11 Things to Do with a Bachelorette Party in Dewey Beach
It took 3,000 miles to get there from LA, but every mile was worth the trek to Dewey Beach for my cousin, Lindsay Currie. Linds picked...

Ashley Sundquist
Jun 12, 20173 min read
Visiting Oxbow Public Market in Napa
Spending the day in Napa feels a lot like sneaking into Italy without a passport. Josh and I stayed in local Cordelia in Fairfield...

Ashley Sundquist
May 26, 20173 min read
Why You Should Visit Castello di Amorosa in Napa
Exploring castles is exciting for me. I love to imagine what life was like for its early inhabitants . I love to learn about their daily...

Ashley Sundquist
May 24, 20174 min read
What It's Like to Get Robbed in San Francisco
Today, Josh and I joined a San Francisco-based club with relatively open membership, no annual dues and no joining fee. Sounds pretty...

Ashley Sundquist
May 14, 20173 min read
Bachelorette'ing in Avalon, New Jersey
Avalon has long conjured images for me of dashing medieval knights with drawn swords, rough beards and jeweled armor but, I was finally...
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